DevOps with JHipster
Continuous Integration and Delivery
- JHipster Continuous Integration
- How JHipster can help DevOps teams
Part 1
JHipster Continuous Integration
- Travis CI is free for Open Source
- Each push will trigger 15 builds
- More than 12200 builds since 2013
What do we need to test ?
- The installation of tools
- The generator itself
- The generated application
- Backend tests
- Frontend tests
- End-to-end tests
Hard to test everything
- Front : Angular / React
- Back : Maven / Gradle
- Security : JWT, OAuth2, Session
- CSS : sass
- Cache
- Database : MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Cassandra, CouchBase
- Option : Kafka, ElasticSearch, WebSocket
- Microservices : Eureka, Consul, UAA, OAuth2
Daily builds at Hipster-Labs
Tips for contributors
Link your GitHub account to Travis CI
- Work on your fork
- Push in a branch of your fork
- A build will be triggered in your Travis CI
- If everything passed, you can pull request
Docker Hub
Part 2
How JHipster can help DevOps teams
Setting up Continuous Integration
- Use CICD Sub Generator
- Answer all questions
Choose your pipeline
Jenkins 2
Travis CI
GitLab CI
CircleCI (v1)
Tasks / Integrations to include
- Artifactory
Sonar Analyze
- 🐳 Docker Image
Deploy to Heroku
CICD Sub Generator
Jenkins 2
JFrog Artifactory
Sonar Analyze